"I loved the entire Madex experience. It's always great to interact with brands and learn face-to-face about their product offering. I find great value in the show as it offers excellent creative ideas."

Priscilla Wessels
Red Herring Studios | Madex 2019
"Securex has been very busy for Cathexis, there has been a lot of traffic through our stand. It's important for us to support the expo from an exposure point of view."

Stefan Muffler
Cathexis | Securex South Africa 2018
"This is our first time visiting Madex and it's been very good; we've seen a lot of companies we could work with as regards services and suppliers. We came through to Madex looking for set builders, promotions outfits and novelty gifts, and it has been very helpful to find some potential new suppliers. We could well be interested in taking a stand next year on the Markex side."

Kamani Chetty
Mbongiworks | Madex 2019
"The best thing that we get out of this show is exposure, more so than we get out of any other marketing platforms. When people come here and can actually see our units, the response is excellent. We've received a couple of very lucrative signed orders. Exhibiting at Interbuild gives us maximum return on investment."

Mark Nel
African Container Units | Interbuild Africa 2018
"What an awesome experience! So much better than we expected. Wonderful show with wonderful people. Zambian locals definitely make it worth it to come all this way."

Schalk le Roux
Advanced FST | Caminex 2018
"This is my fourth time at Markex and I came through to get some new and fresh ideas and find out what's fashionable and what's not - I wanted to get up to date!"

Dianne McCormack
Epiroc SA | Markex 2019
"It's been a good first day. The expo has been nicely set out and organised, and everything has been well sign-posted. We’ve been showcasing some new concept technology at the show, which is available in Australia and Europe but not yet in South Africa – we’re testing the demand for our OutDry waterproof technology. We’ve had some good leads."

Adam Pugh
Brand Manager, Bata Industrials | A-OSH Expo 2018
"Interbuild Africa has proven to be the best platform from which to launch our new solutions. We started exhibiting here over two years ago, when we were looking for dealers for our new product range, and we managed to attract ample interest, which has helped to grow our company significantly."

Hercules Weyers
Green Africa LED Division | Interbuild Africa 2018
"Caminex 2018 has been another positive experience for us. The chance to meet up with existing customers in one place makes doing business very easy. It also gives us the chance to introduce ourselves to new potential customers. The show was well run and we look forward to 2019."

Mirko Steinhage
Spectrometer Technologies | Caminex 2018
"Securex 2018 has been very busy; we've had people literally streaming onto our stand! Visitor feedback on our new look stand and new products has been very positive. Being part of Securex is always a pleasure, we come away with a huge number of leads and lots of interest."

Johlene Selemela
ZKTeco South Africa |Securex South Africa 2018
"Securex is a great platform for us to meet the critical industry players, and is especially important as a means for us to engage with the rest of Africa - it's a great place for exposure to the entire continent."

Eric Chen
Dahua Technology South Africa | Securex South Africa 2018
"I was expecting to see a lot of innovation and out of the box thinking from exhibitors and competitors this year, and overall, I am impressed with the show and I like that there's great networking opportunities."

Mohammed Imtiaz Bhamjee
Premier Workwear | A-OSH Expo 2018
"This is the second year that I’ve attended A-OSH EXPO, and I’ll be visiting over two of the three show days. I come to network and to gain information and feel that this forum is one of the best for keeping abreast with new information; I enjoy the variety of information available. The presentations are very informative and the speakers very well prepared. There was an even greater attendance at the seminars for 2018; in fact there was standing room only for some."

Francina Ndebele
Occupational Health Practitioner, Department of Health | A-OSH Expo 2018
"This year we are celebrating our 20th year anniversary in South Africa so we have showcased our brand at the show. This location delivers that with the significant investment that we have made in terms of branding an building the stand. The people that have been here are the people we wanted - real customers with real requirements and real opportunities for us to develop our relationships. It has been a great show for us to cement existing relationships, but also to identify some new opportunities.

Steve Ryder
VP Sales for Middle East and Africa, Manitou | Electra Mining Africa 2018
"I got to see the latest trends and meet as well as interact with the prospective suppliers. I always get what I want at Markex, and have been coming for many years. This year's Markex was very good, and we are able to get exclusive attention from our supplier, which makes visiting worth our time."

Sandy Mergui
Konica Minolta South Africa | Madex 2018
"I got to see the latest trends and meet as well as interact with the prospective suppliers. I always get what I want at Markex, and have been coming for many years. This year's Markex was very good, and we are able to get exclusive attention from our supplier, which makes visiting worth our time."

Morgan Govender
Howso Promotions and Signatures | Markex 2019
"This year has been one of the best that we have experienced at Electra Mining. I reckon that day 3 was the best day we have had in the past six years. The show has brought in the right people - decision makers and senior personnel."

Gert van den Heever
GM Sales, Multotec | Electra Mining Africa 2018
"I’ve been coming to Markex for over five years; I always enjoy the show. We get useful contacts here for the business as well as the upgraded catalogues. I certainly intend to return next year."

Carrie Lyons
Embroidery Bugs | Markex 2019
"Thanks for a great show! The last couple of days has been a refreshing experience. Thanks to all your staff for their hard work. Nice to see professionals at work. Your company is known in the mining industry as the market leader. We have seen many new faces but still the same level of good service."

Anton Behm, Caminex 2018
Tru-Trac Rollers Conveyor Technology| A-OSH Expo 2018